What’s The Buzz About The Ketogenic Diet?

Track all the food you eat and be aware of where you’re being a little too lax with your macros. While eating too much protein won’t be like eating too many carbs, it still offers your body an alternative source of energy. The ketogenic diet—also known as the “keto diet” or just “keto”—has become the latest big thing in weight-loss plans, touted recently by celebs like Jenna Jameson, Mama June, and Halle Berry. The diet involves cutting way back on carbohydrates, to 50 grams a day or less, to help the body achieve a state of ketosis, in which it has to burn fat (rather than sugar) for energy.

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Is keto diet healthy

“In theory, someone on a ketogenic diet is running off of these ketones for energy, so supplementing with them offers a quick and readily available source of energy similar to that of sugar,” he explains. The brain fog dissipated, and while I had to experiment with what low-carb, high-fat foods worked best for me (and when), my pacing and power went back to the regularly scheduled programming.

They are commonly consumed on a ketogenic diet in the form of sauces or added as a flavor enhancer in many recipes. Their high monounsaturated fat (healthy fat) content is also linked to reduced inflammation and improved insulin sensitivity. It’s also worth noting that blackberries are fibrous like raspberries, containing 8g of fiber (and 7g net carbs) per 1 cup serving.

Some doctors and nutritionists say following a keto diet is considered safe for people who are healthy and eat heart-healthy fats. Studies have shown that it is able to accelerate weight loss in some dieters, reduce seizures in children with epilepsy and improve blood sugar control for patients with Type 2 diabetes.

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“Many diabetic patients can greatly reduce or even eliminate their need for insulin by going on a keto diet,” says to Dr. Stephen Freedland, director of the Center for Integrated Research in Cancer and Lifestyle. Patients with type 2 diabetes have also reported benefits from being on a keto diet. The keto diet was around long keto before its recent rise in popularity.

For anyone who has fears of starting LCHF/intermittent fasting should try it for a couple of weeks. Keeping carbs down to less than 20 grams per day was the tipping point for me.

This is the painful process of weaning your body off of its addiction to sugar and yes it sucks. Yes, drink more water; regardless of what diet you are on you should be doing this.

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